
The National Narrative in Education

The National Narrative. Story & story-telling is something that has always fascinated man from antiquity to the present digital age. Every region of the world & culture has its own tales that reverberate in their social or collective consciousness showing their worldview. They tell their young ones who were they, where they came from & […]

Cultural dimensions of Foreign Policy

Culture Culture is everywhere.  Everything is Culture.  The ideas, customs, and social behavior of a particular person or a society are conglomerated in the word “culture”. The conventional concept of culture is seen as a tool that has a separate and isolated existence of its own having nothing to do with the politics and international […]

That is only good for me!

Why are National Interests Necessary? Article courtesy by; Professor Mikhail Troitsky. International relations are concerned with national interests and how they evolve. Some researchers insist that there are obligatory and unchangeable interests expressed in terms of power or prosperity. Others suggest reconstructing national interests depending on how a country acts in a particular situation. […]

lets’ slowly bankrupt each other

(US-China trade war 2018-2019) The wars that are fought between two or more countries on the basis of their industrial and economic productions is termed as trade war.  In such wars the two sides and their allies or dependents follow such policies that protect or safeguard their domestic industries from the foreign strong competitors who […]

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