Western Asia from a Muslim perspective

The Western Asian landmass, commonly known as the Middle East in geographical terminology, is the home of all three Semitic religions, Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.  All of whom have some of their revered places in this region and have claims of being aboriginal of this land.  With the Romans attacking and renaming it to the […]

Political circle of assassins and assassinations

Whenever a political or any other person becomes too irritating for their government which does not tolerate any dissenter or dissemination of views whether they are political or apolitical, they turn to some tactics and methods whose legality and ethicality are always questionable. Historical background The etymological background of the assassin,  one who does such […]

SCO: fears and hopes side by side!

Formed in 2001 by China, Russia and the former four Soviet republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) was a diplomatic and organizational setup to combine the collective bargaining power of this region in world politics. This Organization was initially focused on the security and regional stability of this region. […]

The Kabul fall of 2021

Isn’t it interesting and a little bit of unusual fact that a world power, the United States of America, for twenty years in Afghanistan remained, but it failed miserably to control and stabilize this mountainous country for itself? The reasons may be numerous, but some reasons for this failure are shortened in this free downloadable […]

China, Iran, and Saudi Arabia: linning from East Asia to West Asia

Iran-Saudi confrontation also sometimes referred to as the Persian-Arab conflict had deep historical roots that go back to the conquest of Persia by the Rashidun Caliphate in the 7th century resulting in the fall of both the Sasanian Empire and the Zoroastrian religion. Thus this term, Persian-Arab or Iran-Saudi conflict as nowadays used collates within […]

Eroding dollar or loss of US hegemony

Since its first print in 1914, the   US dollar is the yard on which both global politics and the world economy are measured.  In less than three decades, the US dollar featuring President Andrew Jackson became a reserve currency for other countries outside of the US.  After making the necessary institutional arrangements, the Gold standard […]

Why spy balloon in aerospace age?

Mao Ning, a spokesperson for the Chinese foreign office, told the media that China has no intention to violate either the territorial or airspace sovereignty of any nation though it was later on accepted by Beijing that it was a civilian airship having nothing to do with military or surveillance of the US and that […]

100 year of Lausanne Treaty and Turkey

The Treaty of Lausanne, signed at the Lausanne Conference 1923–1924 between the Ottoman Empire and the victorious Allied countries of WWI, the Third French Republic, the British Empire, the Kingdom of Italy, the Empire of Japan, the Kingdom of Romania, the Kingdom of Serbia, and the Kingdom of Greece, was the second attempt by the […]

The curve of political trends?

Political trend or trends describes how the government, an institution, a political party, and politicians are going to act in the future. Like weather forecasting, it predicts the future and near-future outcome of any political system or entity. Political parties, politicians, their donors, and possibly their voters, too, observe and watch such trends helping them […]

CNP; 8 determining factors of Comprehensive National Power of a nation

Comprehensive National Power of a Nation (CNP) like other concepts of social sciences is a multi-defined definition. Each & every nation-state wants to give its’ own meaning & definition to it with their respective position in World Politics with a clear cut favour for them. However, among the plethora of definitions the most accepted one […]

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