
Climatic politics in World politics!

The unseasonably hot, unseasonably cold,  torrential rainfall, floods,  or so scarcity of rainfall that no agricultural production farmers get from their lands are nowadays the clear symptoms of climatic changes and shifts that all humans are now facing on this planet Earth.  These changes may not only pose a threat to the economic, political, food, […]

The multiplying African Coups

The French word coup d’état or simply coup as is prevalent in common usage is a sudden and forceful overthrow of a country’s political system either by military or civilian officials of the country under one pretext or another. The third world and underdeveloped countries are most prone to this malady.  The African countries with […]

wargames; warring, learning and analyzing

Games and sports are the two elements which play an important role in the development of a person and society for a healthy and up to mark performance of that person and society. The two have more or less the same purpose, nature and benefits albeit with slight variation in them. Games are activities in […]

Optics in politics; varying in number

The lexicographic definition of optics is the scientific study of light, its behaviour, transmission and deflection with other material objects. Being an analysis of vision, sight and light the word Optics predominant use have to be found in politics and specially in analysing the foreign policy and its different dimensions apart from its specific use […]

Beijing and Taliban; national interest enjoins them

The most debatable and perplexing question in international relations is the answer to what is the defining definition of national interests.  If an exact and accepted answer is hard to find for this question, there is so much fluidity of opinions on this that in future there is hardly any hope for answering this puzzle!  […]

SCO: fears and hopes side by side!

Formed in 2001 by China, Russia and the former four Soviet republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) was a diplomatic and organizational setup to combine the collective bargaining power of this region in world politics. This Organization was initially focused on the security and regional stability of this region. […]

CNP; 8 determining factors of Comprehensive National Power of a nation

Comprehensive National Power of a Nation (CNP) like other concepts of social sciences is a multi-defined definition. Each & every nation-state wants to give its’ own meaning & definition to it with their respective position in World Politics with a clear cut favour for them. However, among the plethora of definitions the most accepted one […]

Russia-Ukraine war: war of attrition

What are the historical similarities that we can draw between the ongoing one-year-long Russia-Ukrainian war? This would likely be the first unofficial war between the two countries where two records and captures battle field developments live for them.  The war is unofficial according to international law as Moscow has not declared war on Kyiv. Technically […]

China, US in chessboard of Africa

The chess board of global politics aligns and changes itself with every slight move in international politics so quickly and sharply that one has to be on a constant vigil least one might be at the receiving end.  After the demise of the Soviet Union world remained unipolar for more than two decades. Russia attacked […]

The National Narrative in Education

The National Narrative. Story & story-telling is something that has always fascinated man from antiquity to the present digital age. Every region of the world & culture has its own tales that reverberate in their social or collective consciousness showing their worldview. They tell their young ones who were they, where they came from & […]

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