
Climatic politics in World politics!

The unseasonably hot, unseasonably cold,  torrential rainfall, floods,  or so scarcity of rainfall that no agricultural production farmers get from their lands are nowadays the clear symptoms of climatic changes and shifts that all humans are now facing on this planet Earth.  These changes may not only pose a threat to the economic, political, food, […]

War, media blackouts, and Palestine

All of us have our likes and dislikes, favourites and abhorrent and idiosyncrasies that determine our mental tendencies.  This malady is a common human heritage but in times of crisis, it becomes more visible and stark than other normal times of life.  History, culture, geography and political weightage of one element over the other play […]

The multiplying African Coups

The French word coup d’état or simply coup as is prevalent in common usage is a sudden and forceful overthrow of a country’s political system either by military or civilian officials of the country under one pretext or another. The third world and underdeveloped countries are most prone to this malady.  The African countries with […]

Curve of Hindutva from India to Nepal

The Himalayan landlocked country, Nepal, is bordered on three sides by India encompassing it with its 1770-kilometre border.  While China shares a 1390-kilometre border with it only on the north side.  Being declared a secular country in the 2015 Constitution of the country, there is a more salient rise in the use of religion for […]

wargames; warring, learning and analyzing

Games and sports are the two elements which play an important role in the development of a person and society for a healthy and up to mark performance of that person and society. The two have more or less the same purpose, nature and benefits albeit with slight variation in them. Games are activities in […]

Beijing and Taliban; national interest enjoins them

The most debatable and perplexing question in international relations is the answer to what is the defining definition of national interests.  If an exact and accepted answer is hard to find for this question, there is so much fluidity of opinions on this that in future there is hardly any hope for answering this puzzle!  […]

100 year of Lausanne Treaty and Turkey

The Treaty of Lausanne, signed at the Lausanne Conference 1923–1924 between the Ottoman Empire and the victorious Allied countries of WWI, the Third French Republic, the British Empire, the Kingdom of Italy, the Empire of Japan, the Kingdom of Romania, the Kingdom of Serbia, and the Kingdom of Greece, was the second attempt by the […]

Russia-Ukraine war: war of attrition

What are the historical similarities that we can draw between the ongoing one-year-long Russia-Ukrainian war? This would likely be the first unofficial war between the two countries where two records and captures battle field developments live for them.  The war is unofficial according to international law as Moscow has not declared war on Kyiv. Technically […]

Why we do not see some conflicts?

When a plane comes spiralling down  after being hit by another plane  or it crashes accidently with ground, these and such like other events make headlines in media. Their value is even more heightened when they are videoed or live broadcasted to the viewers to watch on. But this is not done all the time […]

Energy in Politics. Energy for Politics

What is energy Politics? The use and leverage provided by energy whether it is in hydro carbons or in any other form is called energy Politics. It gives political, economic and military magnitude to a country in regional and global politics. In last two decades the excessive consumption of rising economies like China, Brazil and […]

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