War, media blackouts, and Palestine

media, war, Palestine, Middle East, blackouts, attacks,

All of us have our likes and dislikes, favourites and abhorrent and idiosyncrasies that determine our mental tendencies.  This malady is a common human heritage but in times of crisis, it becomes more visible and stark than other normal times of life.  History, culture, geography and political weightage of one element over the other play an important role in such calculations.  

The ongoing Palestinian-Israeli war since 7 October coverage and depiction in media is not immune to it.  The correction of the Palestinian human rights activist, Yara Eid, of Sky News newsreader on 21 October about her wrong selection of words is a trending example of political bias.  Where one sees and picks only things they like! 

Also Read: Why we do not see some conflicts?

If Hamas launched its al Aqsa flood operation on Israel killing and taking hostages of Israeli civilians in its operation, the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) retaliated in a most inhumane and deadly way seeking no difference between Hamas fighters and innocent civilian Palestinians dwelling in the Gaza strip.  

Apart from the question of the intelligence failure of Israel to foretell the attack of Hamas on it,   there are now questions in the mainstream media about the actual casualties and ground situation on both sides.  The fog of war shrouds everything whether it is reality or theory! 

Everything is engulfed, intentionally or unintentionally! 

From the Ukrainian-Russian war, and the continuous winding up of support to Kyiv by the West and the US, to the present pressure on BBC from the British government to call Hamas a terrorist organization and be light on Tel Aviv’s indiscriminate airstrikes on the Gaza strip, everything is object-oriented. 

The bombing and killing of al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza were reported in such a way as to exonerate Tel Aviv from the massacre of sheltering, injured and ailing Palestinians. 

War, media blackouts, and Palestine

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